Who’s your Manufacturing Foreman? Mr. Triumph or Mr. Defeat?

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iStock_000008183124XSmall-300x300Our mind is a thought factory; estimated to be producing up to 70,000 thoughts in one day. 

We have one of two foremen in charge of our thoughts, Mr. Triumph, in charge of all the reasons why things will go great in our lives and all the reasons why we can do what we want or Mr. Defeat, in charge of all the reasons why you can’t, why you’re weak, why you’re inadequate.  His specialty is the why you will fail and have a bad day chain of thoughts. 

They are both extremely obedient and all you do is signal either one with a single thought and they jump right into action. 

If your first thought is positive, Mr. Triumph will step forward and go to work.  If your first thought is negative, Mr. Defeat will step up and go to work.

So, you tell yourself, “Today is a lousy day,” Mr. Defeat is signaled into action and he manufactures some facts to prove that you are right.  It’s too hot or too cold, you have a headache and a sore back, other people are extremely rude, and your significant other is distant.  Mr. Defeat is extremely efficient and in a few moments he has you sold.  It is a bad day.  Before you know it, it’s really, really a bad day.

But, tell yourself that today is a great day and Mr. Triumph is called into action.  He starts to manufacture thoughts that prove you are right.   He tells you, “It’s a wonderful day. The weather is great.  It’s good to be alive.”  You notice the nice way your friends talk to you, how great the outfit you are wearing looks on you, how energetic and motivated you feel.   It is a good day!

Mr. Defeat can show you why you can’t and will convince you that you will fail.  Mr. Triumph will demonstrate to you why you will succeed. 

Now the more work you give either one of these, the stronger he becomes. If Mr. Defeat is given more work to do, he adds personnel and takes up more space in your mind.  Eventually he will take over the entire thought manufacturing division.

Imagine and visualize great things happening, not the worst case scenario that you hope doesn’t happen.  When you face a difficult situation, think “I’ll figure this out,” not “I have no idea how I am going to handle this” When you compare yourself to someone else, think “I’m equal to the best”, not “I’m outclassed” When opportunity appears, think “I can do it”, never “I can’t” Let the master thought, “I will have a great day” dominate your thinking process.  Thinking “great day” conditions your mind to create plans that produce a great day.  Thinking about everything that will probably go wrong does the exact opposite.  “Bad day” thinking conditions the mind to think thoughts that produce a “bad day.”

The only wise thing to do is fire Mr. Defeat.  You don’t need him.  You don’t want him around telling you that you can’t, you’re not up to it, and you’ll fail, and so on.  Mr. Defeat won’t help you get where you want to go, so boot him out.

Keep Mr. Triumph on staff!  He’ll show you how you can be prosperous and happy!

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