Anti-Bullying Presentations

Do you know how to identify bullying?

Do you know how to stop bullying?

Do you know how to intervene in a bullying situation?  


Get in-depth training on how to identify, prevent, reduce and appropriately address bullying and cyber bullying behaviors for staff, students, parents, volunteers and community members. 

I was a trained counselor, working in a school, and I didn’t really know what to do.  I did the best with what I knew, but I’d never been specifically trained on how to deal with bullying situations.

The day I found out about a personal situation where a gun was involved, I knew it was time to get serious about learning!

Someone could have lost their life. I kept asking, “How could we have prevented this from getting to this point?” “What could we have been doing differently?” 

It’s important to train everyone, children, teens and adults, on the importance of recognizing and appropriately responding to issues before a tragedy occurs. 

As a counselor, I’ve seen, sitting right in front of me, the pain, the depression, the low-self esteem and the physical sickness bullying can cause.  Bullying has so many negative, life-long effects!

Too many people turn their head the other way.  They don’t step in and intervene.


“I don’t know what to do.”

“It’s just kids being kids.”

“It’s not my responsibility.”

“It will work itself out.”

“They need to learn to deal with it on their own.”


When people don’t step in and intervene, bullying can increase!
Responding in an inappropriate way can make matters worse!



Most people want to help but they don’t know how and they don’t have time to read all the books.

I’ve done the RESEARCH!

I’ve pulled together the best, EFFECTIVE evidence-based STRATEGIES!

I want to SHARE it with everyone!

LEARN what to do!

EVERYONE will learn positive, PROACTIVE steps,
so they CAN drastically REDUCE and PREVENT bullying!


Empowering people with strategies and new ways
of thinking to change their perspective and actions.

Cyberbullying/Bullying is a concern!

Recent research shows 56% of students are involved and 81% of incidences are never reported!

We all need to be concerned with the way we treat others both online and offline. Kids are developing relationship habits that will affect the school environment and the quality of their lives. Real, true strength lies in the ability to demonstrate the virtues of kindness and respect towards both ourselves and others. Words are powerful and they do have the ability to make a strong positive or negative impact on someone’s life.

The goal is to have the whole community on board; parents, teachers, community members, and students, to raise expectations of behaviors and responses to others, and to inspire empathy, compassion, kindness and respect.

Fay offers presentations for elementary, middle, and high school students using language and stories that are age appropriate for each group.

Sad student who has been bulliedFay offers separate programs for teachers and parents.

Awareness gives us a choice. Once we become aware of the consequences of either our actions or inactions, we can no longer blindly continue that behavior.

Fay provides that awareness with educational and inspirational presentations!

Student Presentations

Elementary Presentation · K-4 (30-45 minutes)

Through the use of real-life stories, students will learn how bullying, both online and offline, impacts everyone. They will learn and practice specific strategies to stand up for themselves and others, tools to calm themselves and control their actions, and techniques to protect themselves emotionally from hurting words.

  • How to stay in charge of your body and your words when you are frustrated
  • How to use the internet in a safe and responsible manner

5th-6th grade Presentation (45-60 minutes)

Through the use of videos, music, and personal stories, used to strengthen compassion and empathy, students will learn about the possible serious consequences of their actions. They will learn skills to empower them to behave in ways that are safe and respectful to themselves and others.

  • How to effectively handle cyberbullying situations
  • Specific rules and guidelines for online interactions
  • How to use their power to drastically reduce bullying
  • How to stand up for someone


7-12th Grade Presentation (45-60 minutes)

Through the use of videos and personal stories that students can relate with, they will learn from mistakes others have made, and be encouraged and inspired to do the right thing. They will gain an awareness of the possible outcomes of their online actions, and how it may affect their future.

  • Why cyberbullying needs to be taken seriously and what to do when it occurs
  • How to take a stand against online/offline cruelty
  • What you can do to drastically reduce bullying
  • How your online actions today can affect your future


Parent & Community Presentations

Awareness & Proactive Steps to Reduce Bullying(75 minutes)

Technology is bringing significant changes to the way kids live and learn. These changes can bring creative opportunities or pose potential dangers. Parental involvement is vital to reducing cyberbullying/bullying issues, and conversations with kids do make a difference.

This presentation will provide:

  • Awareness of technological concerns and guidelines to address with your child
  • Ten steps parents can take to address cyberbullying/bullying
  • What to do if you suspect your child is being bullied or bullying someone else


Faculty Presentations

Research continues to show that school staff are often unaware of the extent and frequency of bullying incidents and it’s easy for adults to downplay the seriousness of bullying incidents that do occur.

Research also shows that rates of bullying drop dramatically when all staff members are able to identify the signs and agree to intervene consistently.

School staff is often not trained or equipped with the skills and strategies to handle these bullying situations, so they often go unaddressed.

Beginner Session (approximately 1 hour)

This presentation gives the audience an awareness of the importance of intervening in bullying/cyberbullying situations before they become extreme.  It provides key points that need to be discussed with students in order to provide a safe online/offline experience.

  • Increase your empathy to situations your student’s encounter
  • Awarenss of what you can do to prevent bullying/cyberbullying
  • How to have conversations that empower your students to be their best
  • How to step in and intervene

Advanced Session (2 hours)

This presentation gives you an understanding of what bullying is and isn’t. You will gain an awareness of how your own behavior may be contributing to student’s bullying behavior.

  • Understand why adult intervention is of vital importance
  • Learn responses that support your students in cyberbullying/bullying situations
  • Gain important information and knowledge to share with your students
  • Learn practical techniques to use when intervening
  • Learn techniques to promote prosocial behavior

Half Day Workshop (3-4 hours)

In addition to an awareness and understanding of cyberbullying/bullying and its consequences, this presentation provides interventions and best practices to use to prevent cyberbullying/bullying and practical steps to take when it does occur. This presentation is highly informative, relevant and interactive.

  • Interventions to prevent conflict from escalating
  • How to help kids build positive relationship habits both online and offline
  • Practical steps to deal with bullying situations
  • Strategies to help empower your students (consequences that teach vs. punitive discipline)

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