Which One are you Feeding?

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two-wolvesI’ve heard this story many times (and you may have too) and as I came across it again this morning while reading John Assaraf’s book, INNERCISE: The New Science to Unlock Your Brain’s Hidden Power, I thought I’d share it.

Legend has it that an ANGRY young man once sought advice from his grandfather, a wise elder in his tribe.

The young man had been wronged by another tribesman and struggled with his desire for REVENGE.

Sitting on the ground across the fire from his elder, he opened:

“Each night I’m filled with thoughts of anger. I imagine taking revenge in horrible ways. I wish ill will toward my brother. By day, I’m unhappy. My wounds fester in me, and I can think of nothing else. I know this is wrong, but I can’t seem to stop.”As was his way, the grandfather sat in silence before he spoke.”

At last,

“I too struggled with this. I will tell you what my grandfather told me when I was your age. He said that within each of us lives two wolves.

One is DARK. It is the worst of us- anger, jealousy, fear, sorrow, regret, pride, insecurity, self-pity, and resentment.

But there is also a LIGHT wolf within us. He is us at our best-
…….. generous, grateful, loving, kind, hopeful, ………compassionate, and humble.

Both wolves are STRONG.

And they battle constantly for dominance within us.
Each wanting CONTROL, each wanting to enslave the other.”

The young man listened- his grandfather had described exactly how he felt.

“Tell me Grandfather,”
“I feel like a crazy man. I must know.
Which wolf wins?”

The elder looked up from the fire for the first time and stared into the young man’s eyes.

“The one who wins,” he said softly,
“is the one you constantly feed.”

This story has been repeated many times, in many forms, and attributed to many sources, but the lesson is the same across all versions:

Focus on the positive.

There’s a reason for this.

A POSITIVE MINDSET– an attitude of optimism, happiness, and creativity- has been shown time and again to be tied to success and happiness.

Regardless of your situation, feeding your optimism, happiness, and creativity is a critical part of your path forward.

While feeding pessimism, suffering, and closed-mindedness will inevitably hold you back.

In times of stress, fear, anxiety, and uncertainty, it can seem IMPOSSIBLE to not be negative.

That little voice- the DARK WOLF, – is a challenge for each of us.

Take time to PAUSE, REMEMBER this story and ASK the question…

Which one am I feeding??

Then make a conscious effort to feed the right one.

If you’d like to find out how personal life coaching can help you, Contact Fay for a FREE, NO OBLIGATION 30 minute consultation.

Fay Prairie is a personal life coach and speaker specializing in relationships and POSITIVE, empowering mindsets.

She helps set you free from stress, anxiety, worry, negativity, and depression, so you can be a Better You, have Better Relationships and live a Better Life!

Contact Fay to set up a FREE 30 minute call to
discover how Personal Life Coaching can help you to begin making positive changes in your life!

E-mail: fay@fayprairie.com
Call: 507-829-0181

Fay also provides workshops and trainings for businesses and schools. Check out her speaking page by Clicking Here