Is this stealing your energy and joy?

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comparison is the thief of joy“Comparison is the thief of joy.” Theodore Roosevelt

We all do it right? Compare ourselves to other people … assuming they have it all under CONTROL:

  • The family
  • The job or amazing business
  • A great figure and dress sense
  • Intelligent and articulate
  • Great hair and nails

We all have a tendency to compare ourselves to others and the sad part is that our comparisons are usually unfair, biased and usually make us “less than” or sometimes “better than”….

Comparing Yourself to Others can be destructive!

1.Comparison belittles our own achievements

When we compare we take away from what we have achieved. It often makes us feel like we’ll NEVER be good enough. There will always be someone who makes more money, drives a better car, lives in a nicer, newer house, is more organized, and seems happier.

2. Comparison steals your energy

Negative feelings often result when you compare and that drains your energy.

Comparison can go ON and ON

It starts with the small things, how they dress compared to you, how confident they come across, how outgoing and talkative they are, the way they parent and ends with your feeling really low about yourself.

3.Comparisons are often based on      what you perceive and NOT the truth

You DO NOT know what is happening in people’s lives behind closed doors. Facebook, for example is a show reel and people select the highlights to share.  People often wear a mask in public, so you may be comparing to something that isn’t even “reality.”

4. Comparison does not give us happiness and pleasure. It is a losing game.

What positive emotions come from comparison? If you feel other people are further ahead … you’ll feel down. If you feel they are behind you, you’ll feel pity and sorry for them.

5. Comparison is based on FEELING not TRUTH

What is the metric in comparing salary, happiness, house size, car and holiday destinations … it’s not comparing apples and apples. One person’s dream house is another’s nightmare. It does not serve ANYONE to compare.

Not only can comparisons steal our joy, but they can really destroy our confidence and belief in ourselves.

Only COMPARE you to you.   … STRIVE to be A LITTLE BIT better each day

for yourself and for the ones’ you love.

Celebrate each small step forward that you make into who you want to be.

Only look to others to find the things you’d like to work on and improve.  Don’t compare yourselves to them.

You are wonderful and exactly who you are suppose to be!!