Which Path Will You Choose?

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Part of living in this world is to have problems and suffering.  It is unavoidable.

We will have disappointments, frustrations, fears, anger, and loneliness.   

But, the path our thoughts take can increase or decrease our suffering.   

Are you accepting or resisting what is happening in your life?


Acceptance-Being in agreement, allowing what is

Resistance-Being in opposition, fighting against what is

 Resistance is a path and acceptance is a path and you have the ability to choose which path you will walk down. The path you choose will decide the scenery you see.

Acceptance is strengthening and developing your ability to see the good even though it may not be apparent. Acceptance provides far greater peace and happiness in your life.

Resistance creates distress and negativity; it increases feelings of fear, doubt, worry, and anxiety.

It is possible for you to choose a new attitude, a new way of thinking about the situations and people you experience in your life.

All things that happen in your life work together for the good and for your growth, regardless of how they appear in your mind now. What can I learn from this? How can I grow from this? This new attitude will help eliminate your resistance.

 Example: I know someone who has “strong rules” of the way things should be.  When people and situations violate these “rules” they are very upset.  People should be…..People should act like…..People shouldn’t say……People shouldn’t do……You get the picture.  Because they don’t accept that some people do act…..some people will say……that’s the way some people are……They create a great deal of suffering for themselves.  They resist the way it is.

Acceptance doesn’t mean we lay over and play dead, but we accept what is and then do what we can to make things better.  We only have control over our own thoughts and actions from this moment forward. 

Acceptance leads to peace.  Resistance leads to suffering.

“Disappointment in life is inevitable, but suffering is a choice”

Did you Hear That?

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inner criticWe all have an inner critic that talks to us 24/7.  Are you aware of what yours is saying?

It’s that internal voice that is mostly negative and judgmental!  It feeds your mind fear, doubt, disbelief and judgment.

  • You’re not good enough!
  • You never stick to anything!
  • Why bother-you can’t do it anyway!
  • Look at you—What’s wrong with you?
  • You should be more like him/her!

Even though it’s always playing in the background–most people aren’t even aware of it!

Do you ever hear your internal critic telling you….??

  • “I’m so bad at this.”
  • “I’m so uncoordinated.”
  • “I’m so fat.”
  • “I’m so ugly.”
  • “I’m too slow.”

You want to make a career move, but your inner critic tells you…

“There’s no way you can do that-you don’t have what it takes!”

You want to approach someone to whom you’re attracted, but your inner critic tells you…

“You’re no match for them-they won’t be interested in you!”

You’d like to try your hand at a new skill, but your inner critic tells you……

“You’ll just fail and look stupid-don’t even try!”

How does any of this self-talk empower you and make you feel good and confident in yourself?

Simple, IT DOESN’T!  You are the one with the most influence on how you feel about yourself–what you say to yourself has a massive impact on your self-esteem and your confidence.

Think of your inner critic as a radio that’s been playing inside your head for so long that it’s become background noise and you’re not even aware of what the words are.

Start to really listen and focus on what the words are saying.  Examine how your inner critic talks to you.  Start to notice how it limits you with its negativity.  Next, make a conscious effort to reframe the words into something that is inspiring versus stagnating.

You will instantly feel better about yourself!