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Need a Reason to choose Positive Thoughts??  Here’s 14!


1. Release Chemicals

Every time you release a thought, your brain releases chemicals and electrical signals that affect how you feel.

2. Alienate People

Negative thoughts cause you to feel internal discomfort and cause you to act in ways that alienate you from other people.

3. Increase Dopamine

Positive thoughts release dopamine which makes you feel good. When you feel good, you do better at everything you do, which includes the way you feel and behave towards other people.

4. Focus on Solutions

Positive thoughts and feelings help you to focus more on solutions, to see more options and possibilities.

5. Blinders to Solutions

Negative thoughts narrow your focus and blind you to seeing all the possible solutions; “I can’t figure this out–there’s no hope to make this better.”

6. Can Paralyze You

When you’re upset with someone, your anger and negative emotions consume you and you have a hard time turning it around. Negativity can paralyze you from making improvements.

7. Self-Talk 

Positive thinking starts with self-talk. It’s the unspoken words that are constantly running through your mind. Your self-talk is affecting your life even if you aren’t aware of it.

8. Powerful Asset

A positive outlook on life is one of the most POWERFUL ASSETS you can have.

9. Success

Positive people have more success, health, happiness, wealth and successful relationships.

10. Negativity Comes Natural

It’s quite common for self-talk to be negative unless we make an effort to change it. We have up to 70,000 thoughts per day and on average 70-80% of those thoughts are negative unless we make a conscious effort to improve them.

11. Control Thoughts

You DO HAVE the power to direct and control your thoughts. It’s like developing and strengthening a muscle, the more you use it, the stronger the muscle becomes. The more you practice taking control of your thoughts, the better you’ll get at it.

12. Negativity Feels Lousy

You CAN TRAIN your brain to be positive or you can allow it to be NEGATIVE. (but then you’ll feel lousy)

13. Strong and Powerful

Your words are STRONG and POWERFUL, whether you think them or speak them. They will leave a lasting impact on your life. So choose them wisely.

14. Positive Feels Better

The more positive you feel, the better you feel, the more everything around you improves. The first step to changing anything is AWARENE

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