10 Ways Visualization Can Help you Create the Life you Want

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visualizeUsing visualization to help you get

more of what you want in life


When you vividly imagine achieving your goals, you trigger a whole series of subconscious processes which will help you to reach your target.

Each time you visualize you are training your brain to focus on what you want and when you spend more time focusing on it, you become more comfortable with it and your brain starts to find ways to make it happen in the real world.


You’re already doing it all the time anyway—probably without even realizing it.

Each time you worry about the future, or get anxious about what might happen–you are visualizing…just about the wrong things. (the things you don’t want versus what you do want)

When you consciously visualize about what you want versus what you don’t want, you’ll feel more optimistic and positive. When you feel better, you do better.


When you visualize, your brain produces Alpha Waves.

When you are in Alpha Brainwave, you experience increased relaxation, focus and pleasure and reduce pain, stress and anxiety.


Dr. Maxwell Maltz in his book Psycho Cybernetics noted that your subconscious cannot tell the difference between a real memory and a vividly imagined visualization. (and many research studies have since documented the same thing)

When you visualize you implant new pictures of what you want into your self-image– your subconscious mind thinks you are already the success you dream of being.

This helps increase your confidence and tricks your subconscious mind into helping you achieve your goal.



It’s FUN to visualize yourself performing at your best or achieving your goals.

It’s FUN to imagine living your dream life in rich, vivid detail.



After you’ve been visualizing for awhile, you’ll start to feel more confident because you’ve repeatedly seen yourself doing or achieving it so many times in your mind.

The more confident you are, the more you’ll take action on the opportunities you see which will help you to have more success.


There are research studies that prove that visualization works. Golfer Tiger Woods, Arnold Schwarzenegger, & Jim Carrey have practiced visualization techniques for decades and attribute it to their success in life.

Olympic athletes, move stars, golfers, basketball players, sales people use visualization to improve their performance.

When you visualize, you create new neural pathways in your brain.  Your brain remembers the successful action which makes it easier for you to experience success in real life.

The more vivid and ‘life-like’ your visualization are, the more your subconscious mind will lead you to it in real life.


Everything in life started out as an IDEA in someone’s head.

The chair you’re sitting on, the clothes you are wearing were first an idea in someone’s mind.

You can use your mind to start an IDEA—a goal you want to reach. That’s where everything starts.

When you can truly and vividly imagine it in your mind, you’ll start to notice opportunities you might have missed otherwise


When you vividly imagine the way you want your life to go, you replace doubt, fear and insecurity with the belief that it’s possible.

Each time you continue to see yourself performing and accomplishing what you want, you feel more positive with a sense of a mission and purpose.


If you’re sick, it can make you better faster. It sounds crazy, but if you visualize your body rebuilding itself, it will begin to respond. Sort of in the same way that a hypochondriac convinces himself that he is sick, positive visualizations can improve your health.

Go to my Face Book Page to watch my latest Face Book Live that explains how visualizations help us to succeed.

You can find it  by clicking here or go to Prairie Perspectives on Face Book–click videos on left hand side and it’s the video–“Do you ever get frustrated because you get all excited to accomplish the goals you set and then before you know it–motivation dwindles and you’re back doing all the same old things again?!”

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