- Find and repeat a positive affirmation:
- I will succeed…
- I am confident…
- I can do this….
- I can handle this…….
- I can figure this out……..
- I have everything I need to get through this or to accomplish this…….
Repeat affirmations throughout the day when negativity arises.
- Make a list of all your successes and visualize them while feeling those feelings of pride and accomplishment. You’ll immediately feel better.
- Each day, find a value word that gives you a sense of meaning and purpose. Write it down and reflect on it once every hour.
Peace, Kindness, Purpose, Accomplishment, Appreciation, Achievement, Calmness, Commitment, Compassion, Concentration, Confidence, Courage, Capable, Creativity, Decisiveness, Determination, Discipline, Enthusiasm, Excitement, Faith, Fearlessness, Focus, Gratitude, Hopefulness, Impact, Love, Motivation, Optimism, Persistence, Perseverance, Self-Control, Empathy, Simplicity, Strength, Success, Trust, Truth, Understanding, Vision, Victory, Willingness, Wisdom
The words you focus on make a difference!
- Write one simple goal down for each hour. When you get off track and you mind starts to wander, pull it back to that one goal that you are working on this hour.
- Focus on what’s going well. At the end of the day write down 3 things you did well. You can also do this periodically throughout the day.
- Focus on what you’re grateful for. At the end of the day write down 3 things you feel grateful for. Do this for 7 days and the research shows that self-esteem increases for 3 months! You can do this periodically throughout the day also!
The more often you focus on what’s going well and
what you have to appreciate, the better you will feel!
- When you notice a negative thought, tell it to go away. Contrary to what psychologists used to say, the new research tells us to suppress the thought. So when you find yourself ruminating on a worry, fear, or doubt, “just say no.” Tell that inner voice to shut up!
- Take some time to analyze your thoughts by asking yourself questions.
- Are you exaggerating?
- Is your worry real?
(Remember: worrying about a problem doesn’t help you solve it, but looking for solutions, and remaining positive does.)
- What can I do about this right now?
- How can I handle this in a positive way?
Ask solution oriented questions and
your brain will deliver insightful, helpful answers.
- Practice mindfulness: sit back and observe your thoughts – without judgment. Mindfulness (truly being aware of your thoughts) teaches your mind and your brain to disconnect from the emotional impact of negativity. When you shine the light on your thoughts and become truly aware of them, they actually have less power over you.
- Continually send love and forgiveness to yourself.
Criticizing and judging yourself
increases your negativity and stress.
Still stuck? Seek coaching. Call or email me today for a FREE no obligation 30 minute consultation. I’ll personally show you how to identify and undermine that mental chatter that is blocking you from realizing your fullest potential in your life and relationships!